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BlackRock Launches Bitcoin ETF: Unlocking $19 Trillion of Investment Money?
Many E.T.F.s now track narrower and more esoteric slices of the markets, while others use leverage to magnify bets on a specific stock or sector. On Manifold, the odds that BlackRock will have its ETF approved by June 30 stands at 83%. This aligns with comments made by market watchers. Bitcoin futures exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are pools of Bitcoin-related assets offered on traditional exchanges by brokerages to be traded as ETFs.
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CoinDesk operates as an independent subsidiary, and an editorial committee, chaired by a former editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal, is being formed to support journalistic integrity. QCP Capital, a Singapore-based crypto trading firm, said on Telegram last month that initial demand for the ETFs could be lower than expected, setting the stage for a classic sell-the-news scenario. For example, the Proshares Bitcoin Strategy Fund is designed to hold Bitcoin futures contracts only when positions are profitable.