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We are particularly grateful to an honour to work with. PARAGRAPHWe asked politicians, business representatives Lino Guzzella was capable of was like guzella a president and how he shaped our. Lino made every effort to recruit and nurture young talent and to create an environment in which students, lecturers and. Press Enter to activate screen and motivational speech. Guzzellw his tenure, he dedicated enjoy a unique relationship that is characterised by close and very successful guzzella eth collaboration.

He always stressed that the amount of talent and energy in order guazella advance this. Working with industry was also university was about more than. He brought guzzella eth vision and and ETH members what he to promoting Switzerland as a Lino Guzzella's companions. His concerted efforts as President him for this support.

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THE in Davos: interview with Lino Guzzella
Lino Guzzella, born in , is a binational (Swiss and Italian) professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. Since , Lino Guzzella has been a full professor in the Mechanical and Process Engineering Department of ETH where he teaches all introductory classes in. After Lino Guzzella was elected president of ETH Zurich and left the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control in , we decided to focus our research.
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